How to Play Queen’s Gambit In Chess

The Queen's Gambit Opening

The Queen’s Gambit is probably the most popular gambit and one of the oldest opening in chess.

The Queen’s Gambit happens when the following moves are played:

  1. d4 d5
  2. c4
Queens Gambit Picture

The objective of the queen’s gambit is to temporarily sacrifice a pawn to gain control of the center of the board.

It is traditionally described as a gambit because White appears to sacrifice the c-pawn; however, this could be considered a misnomer as Black cannot retain the pawn without incurring a disadvantage.

The Queen’s Gambit is divided into three major categories based on Black’s response

[+] The Queen’s Gambit Accepted (QGA)
The Queen’s Gambit Declined is one of Black’s three responses to White’s Queen Gambit opening.

Instead of accepting White’s wing pawn, Black chooses to secure his center pawn instead. Black focuses on controlling the center with the trade off of accepting a cramped position.

[+] The Queen’s Gambit Declined (QGD)
The Queen’s Gambit Declined is one of Black’s three responses to White’s Queen Gambit opening.

Instead of accepting White’s wing pawn, Black chooses to secure his center pawn instead. Black focuses on controlling the center with the trade off of accepting a cramped position.

[+] And the Slav Defense
In the Slav, Black also plays to hold d5 but doesn’t have to block his bishop in.

Watch the video below to watch more detailed explanations of the opening, multiple variations, and extended lines:

Chess Openings: The Queen's Gambit

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About the Author: How To Play Chess

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